Joy to all, and thank you for your awesome support of our Optomechanical Engineering 2017 Conference
in August. Just wait ’till you see the program.
Now, back to business. Fractures in glass optics seem ubiquitous.
So… the optomechanical engineer has a problem. He’s nominally
responsible for protecting the glass elements in the optical systems he
designs. But there’s very little (if any) information available on the
structural properties of the glasses that optical designers specify. And
the guidance for the engineer on using the available data is all-over-the-map,
from the incomprehensible to the impossible. No wonder most engineers use
simple “rules-of-thumb.”
That’s where I started, “Keep the tensile stresses under 2,000
psi.” But then the glass broke anyway! So I started testing
the glass objects to 4,000 psi. I broke a few in testing but those that
went into service are still in service, as far as I know. I didn’t get to
make many, they were too big and heavy. A colleague who specialized in
space-based ISR systems confided to me that he kept the stresses under 500
psi! That’s when another colleague gave me a copy of “Reconnaissance
and Surveillance Window Design Handbook” (AFAL-TR-75-200).

Section 7.3.1 is the perfect introduction for the engineer to “Allowable
Stresses in Glass.” It covers fabrication process controls, slow
crack growth through stress corrosion (from moisture) and estimating the
service life by integrating the stress corrosion equations for eight
glasses. The Wizard’s green curtain is drawn back disclosing all of
his secrets and Dorothy dances down the yellow brick road and back to safety in
Every optomechanical engineer needs a copy of that Handbook to help him
protect the optical glass that has been entrusted to him by the optical
designer. It guides the design, analysis and fabrication of glass optical
elements. Perhaps the engineer should enter the required structural
properties, including the fracture toughness and stress corrosion constants, on
the lens drawings (think the yellow brick road). The Handbook’s
drawback is that only eight glasses are treated and some of those have since
been re-formulated to remove toxic elements.
The glass suppliers also need copies of the Handbook so they’ll know what the
engineer is requesting and, maybe someday, put the information in their glass
catalogs and data sheets.
Joy! Spring is just around the
corner. Ahh… Kansas in Springtime!
Al H.